Educating | Advocating | Connecting
MIFO, the Massachusetts Independent Fitness Operators association, is a non-profit, non-corporate, and non-compromised, network of health clubs.
Formed in the face of unique challenges, MIFO advocates on behalf of the health and fitness industry, uniting operators and strengthening a collective political voice to improve legislation that advances education and promotion of the fitness industry.
Our mission
The voice of the Massachusetts
Independent Fitness Operator
The mission of the Massachusetts Independent Fitness Organization (“MIFO”) is to educate, elevate, support, connect and advocate on behalf of its members to ensure their greatest opportunity for success and to provide the highest level of professional service to the fitness industry.
From just $49 Per Month
The MIFO Movement
Unifying Massachusetts Independent Fitness Operators.
The Massachusetts Independent Fitness Operators (MIFO) is the only association chartered exclusively for fitness operators in the Commonwealth, comprised of large health clubs, fitness centers, boutiques, studios, fitness professionals, consultants, manufacturers, and suppliers. Where teamwork meets network, MIFO members are leaders who recognize the value of being a part of something bigger, contributing to something greater, and facing economic and environmental adversities head-on.
From just $49 Per Month
- Fight for members on health and safety related issues
- Inform members about legal and legislative issues
- Participate in early drafting and formation of industry-specific rules, regulations, and statutes
- Provide general business guidance
- Gym specific “best practices” offered through on-line library to members-only
Connect Members to Resources
- Access to service professionals
- Discount on services, equipment and goods
Connect Members to Each Other
- Serve as a resource to connect members with each other
- Host Massachusetts Fitness Industry trade shows (virtual until we can meet together again!)
- Host seasonal social events (virtual until we can meet together again!)
- Annual fundraisers (virtual until we can meet together again!)
From just $49 Per Month
3 benefits of being a member
Implement Change
Together, we will advocate on behalf of the health and fitness industry, uniting to strengthen our collective political voice to improve legislation, advance education, and promote our fitness industry members.
Promos & Events
Coming Soon!
Through our many partnerships we have compiled we have put together success driven.
Coming Soon!
Timely newsletters/webinars and inside information on MIFOS ongoing efforts.